2J Angus Bulls Ogden Iowa Chris & Lanna Jones

2J Angus Bulls Ogden Iowa Chris & Lanna Jones

2J Angus Bulls Ogden Iowa Chris & Lanna Jones

2J Angus Bulls Ogden Iowa Chris & Lanna Jones
Welcome to 2J Angus, we are dedicated to delivering high quality Angus seed stock. Our customers have always returned great feedback from the progeny out of the 2J bulls over the years along with complimenting on our bulls docility.
Let us know how we can help your herd grow with one of our yearly offspring or purchasing our AI Services.
<a href="https://plus.google.com/115242443277828114807" rel="publisher">Google+</a>

Sales >>
Our annual bull sale is the first Wednesday in April every year at Dunlap Livestock Auction Barn in Dunlap, IA
You can visit them for a current listing of their sales and markets.